What He Didn’t Knew…

As he entered the hospital room, he saw her laying on the bed looking pale. Her face which always used to be cheery, now had no color in it, the bags under her eyes represented not only the tiredness of her body but her soul too. He never thought that he had to see this one day but the tubes going through her nose, passing through her throat and disappearing somewhere didn’t helped in not blaming himself much.
The scars on her body showed no signs of disappearing anytime soon. The long gash on her forehead will always be a remembrance to him of that day.
The sign of her half-dead body was enough for him to dash out of the room. There was a little sign of a tear trying to escape his eyes but before it could, he wiped it all and went to find the doctor.
“I am truly sorry but there is nothing we could do anything more. Your daughter is brain dead and is only alive because of the ventilator. Now it’s your choice if you want to keep her alive like this or give her soul a rest” , the doctor gave him a sorry look, not knowing what he is going through.
“I…I…ne-e-ed….som-e-ee…ti-i-me..” , he stumbled while trying his best not to cry.
He ran away from the doctor and towards the back of the hospital. Once there, he didn’t cry but instead took out the packet of cigarettes, the same brand which made his wife had lung cancer and his daughter too. He smoked one after another packets and re-lived the pain of losing her wife because of cigarettes and alcohol.
No, she was not an addict. It was him who was addict. As it’s known smoking hurts passive smokers more than active smokers, that’s what happened. Even him being alcoholic didn’t helped him, he disgusted himself more each time he remembers the number of times he has raised his hand on her, abused her and raped her.
His wife’s death brought him back to reality and made him realized how much he loved her. The only sign of her left was their daughter, whom he treated as a princess.
What he didn’t knew was his daughter’s husband would be the younger him. What he didn’t knew was his daughter had the same fate written as her mother. What he didn’t knew was that the past was repeating itself. What he didn’t knew was his daughter was bearing the punishments of his mistakes.
Later that day, two bodies were buried in the local cemetery. One on one side of her mother and the another on the other side of his wife. In the end, the whole family was together.


6 thoughts on “What He Didn’t Knew…

  1. Wow it’s great to see such a good story by little angel. Keep it up beta this idea is little bit pathetic but a alarm for high consumer of alcohol & tobacco. All blessings .


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